Offering employees wellness plans with the ability to track their wellness and earn rewards based on their efforts is a powerful way to improve their health and wellbeing, thereby decreasing the amount of sick time needed and boosting their work efficiency and attendance.
Boost Employee Health and Productivity With Customized Wellness Plans
Empower your workforce with personalized wellness solutions that improve health behaviors, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance productivity. Let New City design a comprehensive wellness program tailored to your business, complete with incentives, data-driven strategies, and tech-enabled engagement tools.
How Our Wellness Plans Work
Wellness plans operate on the principle that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” These plans focus on making your employees healthier by improving exercise and diet habits. They typically include weight loss competitions, exercise, smoking cessation, and wellness assessments.
Studies have shown that these programs can offer a significant return on investment in terms of increased productivity and healthcare savings, but it is essential to implement well-researched programs with a proven track record if you want to see results.
Benefits Of A Wellness Plan
A comprehensive wellness approach and rewards solution can lower health claim costs and improve employee health. It all starts with improving your employees’ health behaviors, which can quickly make a noticeable impact on many common health risks, such as high blood pressure and high blood glucose. Creating a healthier environment for your employees also reduces absenteeism and improves productivity for your business.
Wellness Programs Improve Employee Health Behaviors
At the heart of every good wellness program is positive behavior change. Many people are unaware of how their daily habits impact their health, while others may understand they have some unhealthy behaviors but are not sure how to make improvements.
A wellness program can help your employees improve influential health behaviors such as exercise, consumption of fruit and vegetables, sleep, and smoking and alcohol use. They can also help address common mental health-related outcomes such as stress, depression and life satisfaction.
Wellness Programs Reduce Elevated Health Risks
Our modern lifestyles have led to an increase in people noting elevated health risks such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose, driven largely by a lack of physical activity and unhealthy diets. Studies have shown that these health risks can improve dramatically in as little as six weeks when people make positive changes, and wellness programs are an excellent way forward.
Wellness Programs Reduce Health Care Costs
Studies have shown that effectively designed wellness programs can have a positive financial impact, reducing a company’s healthcare costs. An occasional talk about nutrition or biometric screening is not enough, however. A comprehensive worksite wellness program is needed to bring about significant change, and many times, the savings achieved by participating will offset the cost of the program.
Wellness Programs Improve Productivity
“Presenteeism” is a major concern in modern workplaces, with employees being physically present but not productive. The costs of presenteeism due to poor employee health is often far greater than direct healthcare expenses. Employees who are regularly tired and stressed or have a poor diet often struggle to be productive, and wellness programs can counteract these problems to ensure your employees are in the right condition to perform at their best.
How New City Can Help
With New City’s wellness plans, you will be assigned a wellness professional to drive program engagement. Your program will be customized to give your business a tailored approach to wellbeing, and your employees will be provided with an online platform and mobile app to help them stay on top of their health.
The highlights of our wellness plans include:
- Data-proven wellness strategies
- Assigned wellness professional
- Incentive rewards
- Customized wellness plans
- Online platform and mobile app
Speak To A Professional Employee Benefits Consulting Firm
A workforce of happy and healthy employees benefits an organization as a whole, and offering your employees a way to systematically improve their overall health through a comprehensive wellness plan is the best way to drive positive change. For more information, please give us a call at 888.210.2759 or request a consultation online.